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Costo x Susivilla
One of this year's absolute highlights which I haven't even had the chance to tell you about yet was a collaboration I did this autumn...
Siisti huivin viimeistely
Vuoden viimeisessä TAITO-lehdessä ilmaantui minulta huiviohje ihanalle Suomenlampaanvillalle suunnitellulle huivimallille. Ohjeessa...
Two-color Brioche
Holy moly, I have been a knitter for a little over a decade now, but never have I stumbled upon anything even as remotely addictive as...
The Finnish Baby Box
Have you heard of the famous Finnish Baby Box yet? If you haven't, it's a tradition that dates back to 1937 when the Maternity Grant Act...
I was born in the 80s and the number of internet acronyms I know ( is that even what they're called, acronyms?) can be counted on one...
Pikseli -vauvanviltti
Kuva: (C) @taitolehti No niin! Tämä on ohje jota aloin suunnittelemaan jo helmikuussa 2017 ja mielessäni sillä oli aina työnimi...
The new weave
It just went straight from autumn to winter here! These two photos are taken 7 days apart (at locations about 7 km apart): Can you...
Lampshades for the entrepreneurially minded
TellUs @ Oulu University - Glad to see one of last year's projects come to a successful conclusion. Handwoven lampshades with the notable...
Beginnings and endings!
I dropped off my lamp shade delivery for Oulu University yesterday ;) Still waiting to see the final hanging but here's a sneak peak for...
Project Yellow
For the past few weeks I have been working on (yet another) massive yellow project which has added up to more than 20 meters of...
Yrittäjyyden teemavuosi Oulun Yliopistolla
Oulun Yliopistolla vietetään tänä vuonna Yrittäjyyden teemavuotta (linkki heidän sivuille), ja he päättivätkin panostaa hieman erilaisiin...
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