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Siisti huivin viimeistely
Vuoden viimeisessä TAITO-lehdessä ilmaantui minulta huiviohje ihanalle Suomenlampaanvillalle suunnitellulle huivimallille. Ohjeessa...
Pikseli -vauvanviltti
Kuva: (C) @taitolehti No niin! Tämä on ohje jota aloin suunnittelemaan jo helmikuussa 2017 ja mielessäni sillä oli aina työnimi...
Kyly -laudeliinasta kaulahuivi?
I-ha-naa! Taas läpsähti postiluukusta uusin TAITO- lehti! Uuden taiton (hahaa, -Taiton taiton-) myötä lehdestä on minusta tullut...
The written pattern...
...vs. the pattern in my head. At the beginning of the year I had my first pattern for weaving published in the...
Aches and Pains of a Weaver
Weaving can be back-breaking work sometimes, anyone who's done hours of dressing the loom or warping or putting threads through heddles...
November Movember
Ooohh these dusky mornings. Sitting here, savouring a lingonberry smoothie which I spent sunny days picking last September; having...
The new weave
It just went straight from autumn to winter here! These two photos are taken 7 days apart (at locations about 7 km apart): Can you...
Diving into new
And so it went, summer turned into autumn and I am diving into new challenges again. It has been a crazy two years and the crazy keeps...
Moss, heather and marsh tea
I came back from Urkult World music festival late last night feeling tired, but at the same time very inspired. Such interesting artists...
Home studio coming along
Oh man, trying to set up a home studio has not been an easy task I tell you. First of all; looms, or at least the kind I use, are BIG....
Talk about surprises coming my way...
Oh my god! I got invited to come weave at Strömsö! Strömsö is a Finnish lifestyle TV show on national public tv that features and shares...
Stripes are the soul of Finnish textiles
After weaving more actively for the last two years it just hit me this winter how much I'm completely in love with stripes! This year...
Find your kung fu!
Today I felt like writing about weaving and how it is not only an outer but also an inner process. This month I'm working on a new batch...
I too, am the weaving kind
At the end of last year I joined FibeShare's The Weaving Kind online community because I want to explore new ideas and materials in...
Lampshades for the entrepreneurially minded
TellUs @ Oulu University - Glad to see one of last year's projects come to a successful conclusion. Handwoven lampshades with the notable...
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