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The dark time of year
​​ A much loved friend only visits us for a few hours a day right now: LIGHT. Polar night is setting in and it's the darkest time of year...
Supporting local
Right, so recently local food is becoming the standard in the most recently opened new restaurants and diners. Downtown you can, again,...
Osaka! Osaka!
By now I have to tell you this is no ordinary Lappish school mate from wayback wayback when. The friend who was calling was Katsumi, a...
Project Yellow
For the past few weeks I have been working on (yet another) massive yellow project which has added up to more than 20 meters of...
Weaving is Universal
People from near and far come to Rovaniemi to explore one of the last frontiers of Europe, just like I did more than 10 years ago. Apart...
Setting the course on making local textile design sustainable
This past year has been about finding out what SusiVilla is... and what it could be about in the future. It has been very interesting...
Kyky nähdä uutta on luovuutta..
..ja sen kyvyn voi oppia! Jumankekka mikä kevät ja kesä! Vaihtelevasta säästä johtuen on ollut oikein hyvä boogie työn tekemisen suhteen....
My Olde New Friend!
I am in the process of setting up an old loom at the guest house. It's a great big 150cm wide traditional finnish style harness loom and...
Yrittäjyyden teemavuosi Oulun Yliopistolla
Oulun Yliopistolla vietetään tänä vuonna Yrittäjyyden teemavuotta (linkki heidän sivuille), ja he päättivätkin panostaa hieman erilaisiin...
Käsityö on mielentyö.
Viime aikoina on tullut liikuttua aika paljon yrittäjille tarkoitetuissa seminaareissa ja hankkeissa, ja laajalti niiden sisältö koostuu...
Olisko jotain ideaa...
Muutamia vuosia kestäneessä yrittäjä -ja startup-buumissa puhutaan paljon siitä miten jostain ideasta on kehitetty liiketoimintaa, ja...
Designing with rags
When designing with rags, I usually make a plan, a blue print, to follow as I go, based on the amounts of weft I have. Using recycled...
Weaving summer courses in July!
Next July You will have the chance to learn weaving in a local setting in Rovaniemi. For now I have the dates ready to register for,...
Rain makes green
I woke up this morning and it was raining. Popped my head in my stash room and decided this is mighty fine weaving weather. Today the...
Making and loving rag rugs
I simply love a good rag rug. I love everything about it. I love that it's made of recycled textiles. I love the way the colors play out...
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