I cannot believe how fast this year went. Just like that! POOFF and it is going to be 2017 and the year of the Fire Rooster!
The way things are ending, or actually STARTING, this year, I have a feeling next year is going to be intense. And fierce! I mean; FIRE ROOSTER! It is so rewarding and empowering to see some of my projects come to life.
Ever year or so (never exactly by the calendar year, I think new year's promises are a bit silly) I set a goal for myself, or Susivilla, because it gives me direction and most of all it brings clarity and purpose.
I am one for those people who loves I love saying yes to things. So especially when situations come where there are too many temptations to say yes to, or there are moments when it seems like I have no idea where to go it saves me to have a clear goal.
And I always set that goal a little higher than what I think I can reach. In the years I've been doing this, I haven't missed my target yet. I recommend it to everyone!

One of the most valuable lessons I have learnt this year is how important it is to reach out to other people, especially people I look up to, or have accomplished something I am yet to achieve. I am at heart an introverted person and too many times I get stuck working by myself. However one of the goals I set for the year 2016 was to work more with other people. One of these projects included giving form to a new textile brand called NOKIVALKEA, together with two design students from University of Lapland. Though things don't always go as planned, the project was, and continues to be a positive experience all in all, and most importantly it has taught me I can thrive as part of a team. No need to always go it alone. NOKIVALKEAstarted as a thesis for me and one of the other founders, and is going to be continuing in 2017.

For 2017 I've got more plans for collaborations. Last month I met with Jonna Hietala from LAINE Magazine, and it would be so rad to do something together with her and her knitfolk team in 2017!
Now just hoping that no more celebrities die this year..