Hubby dearest texted me from work on Friday if I wanted to go eat out tonight. Of course I did! I've been feeling more or less scruffy now towards the end of the pregnancy and I knew he didn't mean I needed to get all done up for a restaurant; eating out where we're from means you get to show up as you are :)

The sun now sets after 7pm and it is getting nippier by the day! I am hoping to get this baby delivered by mid November, and so I will be using all my thick knits as my jackets, one after the other, refuses to zip up around my growing belly.
And there's something really magical (you knitters know this) when you get to put on a woolly toque for the first time every autumn! This one I improvised a fake cable using a local Finnsheep's wool from Vanhalan Lammastila not far from Rovaniemi.
There's something about the blazing autumn colors around me that make me want to work in natural shades!

Karhukumpu at Vaattunkiköngäs is one of my favorite lean-tos to visit in the immediate Rovaniemi vicinity, it's far enough to make you forget about the town hustle, but still close enough to pop in even for a short visit.

We kept it simple this time, just sausages over open fire. Enjoying the silence before winter. No more bugs, the birds are quiet, just leaves falling softly to the ground waiting for the snow. The colors and the depth they bring to the landscape remind me of being in the midst of the most well kept Japanese garden or a Monet painting. But it is all Mother Nature!

Still a few more weekends like this and after that I'll be rising from bed every morning waiting for the light sifting in through the window to change: revealing that first snow has arrived.